If I could only accept it, I could move on....
Have you ever heard someone say those words? I think as humans, we all struggle in one area or another with accepting what has happened. May I encourage you? Let it go. Those 3 words, may be the hardest words you hear today. Although they are hard they are also freeing. Holding on to the past will not allow you to move forward. In order to be a living vessel for God there can be no blockage. You have to realize that everything that you've been through was meant to teach you a lesson.
Paul said, to rejoice in the Lord always. You have to know without a doubt that the love of God is pure and that he loves you. He hasn't forgotten about you. Everything you do is by prayer and supplication. Even the process of letting go and accepting what will be. Trust God. He is sovereign and his grace is sufficient. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Liberty means freedom. Whom the Lord has set free, he is free indeed. Accept what is and let go of what was.